A sexual act, only to be performed reasonably during winter-time near a window, where the female reaches around the male from behind, pleasuring him with her hands.
As the male is on the verge of climax, she will open the window and scoop up a handful of snow with one hand, then thrust her lover's glans into the snow in the exact moment he is about to come.
- Snow jobs will inevitably lead to male's legs giving in from the climax. Be prepared!
- Use snow, not ice, to avoid frost-burns.
- Easiest to do from behind, because the body contact with the male's back is an effective way of telling "when". Once the boy's back becomes taut as a bowstring, he's ready for your surprise.
- Once he is climaxing, switch from your cold, snow-filled hand to your free, warm hand and squeeze his glans, gently. Will further magnify his pleasure.
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