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beefin' it up

1- gaining significant muscle mass
2- the act of drinking protein shakes, then hollaring "YEAH BEEF IT UP" , one may also do a series of push ups after drink has been chugged.
3- increasing anything in large amounts

Ouch, I was beefin' it up yesturday and I think I'm sick. YEAH BEEF IT UP!

by Snuffalufagus November 22, 2007


Crazy as son of a bitch who kills shit with a tater rake. Not a person which you should deprive of caffeine.. seriously he might beat you with a tater rake. Other than that he is a cool dude and he has some hella awesome locks of hair.

Damn, That dude a crazy as billy over that red bull.

by Snuffalufagus March 12, 2015

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