Source Code


Brainwashing device for small children, torture device for everyone else.

I would rather perform some painful act to myself than have to watch "Barney".

by Snuffkin March 27, 2005

84πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


Once very popular IRC client, but is now more often dumped in preference of HydraIRC or xchat, both of which are available for Windows.

mIRC is the stereotypical tool of choice for the n00b IRC user.

n00b: huh
n00b: you cant get in mirc without mIRC

by Snuffkin February 4, 2005

8πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Server technology developed by Microsoft that might be more welcomed in the open-source community alongside PHP if it were not tied down to IIS, a webserver also developed by Microsoft requiring Windows and with a less than desirable security history.

The latest release of ASP integrates with Microsoft's .NET technology.

I might consider ASP if it were more supported on Apache.

by Snuffkin February 4, 2005

27πŸ‘ 907πŸ‘Ž

habbo hotel

A virtual chatroom in which the implementation is somewhat questionable (you can often try to enter rooms and just get kicked back to the frontpage with no error message.), and nowadays 99% of the time, if you enter a room;

- 80% chance of there being an actual constructed queue system
- 80% chance of that queue being stuffed with losers who have nothing better to do, and remain there even if the owner treats them like shit.
- 85% chance of getting kicked while in that queue;
--- 60% chance that it's just on their own whim.
--- 40% chance it's because they see it as the most convenient way to move their 'friend' up in the queue.
--- 40% chance that if you return and ask why you were ejected, you'll get ejected again because they don't want to be shown up as a power abuser.

Those considering this place, I can only suggest you check out Furcadia, which is similar, and more importantly, has (primitive but reasonably powerful) scripting, and doesn't force you to pay for furniture. You might think the fur thing is weird, but it's nothing compared to the contents of Habbo Hotel.

Me: Does anyone here speak english?
Habbo: wtf!!1111
Me: Well, at least I'm almost at the front of the queue now.
You have been ejected.
Me (returning): What was that for?
You have been ejected.

by Snuffkin February 4, 2005

48πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Jon Irenicus

The villian starred in Baldur's Gate 2. Employs his vampire sister, Bodhi.

"You dare to attack me here? Do you even know whom you face?"
"You will suffer! You will all suffer!"

by Snuffkin March 27, 2005

72πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Internet explorer

A browser, that, while at first sight might appear open to spyware, will be just as resiliant as alternatives such as Mozilla if you take the time to secure it correctly.

As a stubborn IE user, I have not recieved one piece of spyware on this machine yet.

by Snuffkin February 4, 2005

55πŸ‘ 251πŸ‘Ž


Rediculously buggy (in terms of crashiness, not just innocent server bugs) online game which is free to play. The price is undoubtably right, and it has potential if only it could become stable.

The client has crashed. Would you like to save a diagnostic file?

by Snuffkin February 5, 2005

16πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž