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Originally a military term, but increasingly used to describe a particularly fucked up, chaotic or disorganized workplace or office situation.

Example 1:

Mike: "Hey who ran all these network cables under my cubicle? Where am I supposed to put my feet?"

Ryan: "Dude, we're putting in the new computers, we need relocate you to a desk in the basement."

Mike: "Jesus, what a clusterfuck this place is!"

Example 2:

Denise: "Be glad you missed the sales meeting today, there weren't enough chairs in the conference room and half of us had to stand, then that idiot Laura knocked over her venti Starbucks coffee all over the table. It even got the phone wet and everyone on the dial-in line got disconnected. God, what a clusterfuck!"

Brianna: "Like oh my god, total!"

by SoCaliCali January 11, 2009

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