An insult used to describe someone who currently does drugs.
The guy wanted to look for trouble by calling anyone who had ever tried drugs (especially drugs other than weed) in their life a druggie. He liked that sort of thing, he thought it was hilarious, no matter the consequences for everyone involved. He thought that because he was an arrogant son of a bitch who thought he was better than simple folks like that. He was the kind of guy who shot anybody that stood up to him, and claimed it was over a senseless argument, though he knew what his intent was when he said what he said.
An insult used to describe someone who currently does drugs.
The guy wanted to look for trouble by calling anyone who had ever tried drugs (especially drugs other than weed) in their life a druggie.
An insult used to describe someone who currently does drugs.
The guy wanted to look for trouble by calling anyone who had ever tried drugs (especially drugs other than weed) in their life a druggie. He liked that sort of thing, he thought it was hilarious.
A female who says guys think she's a bitch to make herself look badass, when really they think she's a cowardly poser, not a bitch.
Guy- You ain't no bitch, you're a false bitch, you're posing as a bitch.
Sucking each others dicks and saying nothing but nice things about each other.
You're just so huge, I I will pay 10 dollars too many for that even though I know it's a stupid thing to do why because I am so attracted to you, that's why.
Fuck positive feedback.
A tripod is a midget with 3 legs, 2 legs and one penis, all about ten inches to one foot long. A tripod is rare, a tripod over 2 foot something is impossible, nobody has a 32, 34, 36 inch penis so if a guy over 5 feet tall tells you he's a tripod he's lying. It's impossible because the longest recorded human penis was 27 inches and three quarters and the man with the record was an 8 foot 2 man from Siberia.
Vladimir petrosovich had the world's largest hot dog and he wasn't even a tripod. All tripods are midgets.
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Theres a few things about the Truman show that fuck with your head. Jim Carrey is a somewhat tall actor, and you think of a Truman character as being a short guy with Napoleon's syndrome. Marlon seems more like a guy that would bring a 40 by and want to listen to reggae music after work (with a bluetooth device in his ear) than a white guy with blond hair who shows up with a 6 pack, if he's not an Italian guy that wants to talk business with you. It's not a bad movie, there are just a few inconsistencies about it.
The Truman Show is different than what you would think it would be. It's not meant to be funny, but it's also not a sad movie either. It's kind of like a part of hell, a slice of hell taken from the rest of hell broke loose.
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