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Someone who played all the authority figures they hid behind as a kid, along with the people their own age they fucked over that they try to call peers, even though these same peers are the ones who rejected them, leading them to hide behind authority figures.

The sideless girl was playing both the people who wanted Confederate statues removed and the people that wanted the Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln statues removed like all the others.

by Solid Mantis July 27, 2020


Multiple ecstasy pills, although you rarely heard anybody refer to taking just one as eating a bean. This implies a person will be taking at least two, which used to be common. Another word for ecstasy was rolls.

I'm gonna eat some beans this weekend and have a good time.

by Solid Mantis May 3, 2016

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The word a pussy uses to describe someone they hate.

Some pussy just called me a wuss, he was trying to piss me off, but he failed. Wuss doesn't piss anybody off, wuss makes a guy want to go home and tell his mommy a story about how he called a bully a wuss and brought his slingshot to school for self defense against mean, rude bullies.

by Solid Mantis October 7, 2017

7πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Humans are not naturally born with wings, aircraft are a human invention, does this mean humans were never meant to fly? For ever fatal crash, there are many flights that land, these are achieved by human means, the aircraft is made of materials that came from the earth, so they are natural means, even if being born with wings is not.

Humans don't have wings, but they still found a way to fly. It's a lot more dangerous than animals flying, but its meant to be, it happened for a reason like everything else.

by Solid Mantis January 29, 2020


Equality is what people who have no beliefs preach about believing in. No two people are the same, therefore no two people are equal. Every person as different as a fingerprint or a tigers stripe, so why wouldn't each person of each race or group try to be different and outstanding instead of trying to be the same as each other? A bigot believes one race or group is better than the next, you can be different than somebody without having to be better, worse, or the same.

There was never any such thing as equality. Since the beginning of time, every person was different than the next so people who preach about equality are bullshit.

by Solid Mantis March 24, 2018

21πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


The people who preach equality often preach about being yourself too. Well, if you're equal to somebody else you're the same as them. No individuality so you're not yourself, you're being like somebody else.

How can you believe in both equality and being yourself? Preaching it is not meaning it.

by Solid Mantis March 24, 2018


You don't think of as many sports dynasties from cities much smaller than Atlanta, Dallas, St Louis, Balimore or Cleveland. Its not unrealistic to think a team from Milwaukee, Portland, or Sacramento will have to do some extraordinary things just to get a championship in the same championship game, and hardly ever do you hear about several years in a row they re back again for another title.

Outside of hockey, you don't hear as many people saying the Trail Blazers or the Kings are back as you do the Bronx Bombers or the Lakers. Some teams really do have the strength in numbers to make a dynasty, even if people in a smaller city are told their teams owners has more buying power than the next guy.

by Solid Mantis January 20, 2020