Source Code


1) (adj.) Superior, overall better, and cooler than something else. Often used by online maniacs.
2) (n.) A computer-based language involving numbers and symbols, without (Or with a minimal amount of) letters.

1) "dood, taht's so 1337!"

2) "|)|_||)3, 7#47'$ $0 1337!!!11"

by Some call me...Tim. February 22, 2005

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Dragostea Din Tei

(n.) A Romanian love song which translates literally into "Love From the Linden Trees". Performed by O-Zone, the song is used in the popular flash movie "Numa Numa Dance". The real title of the song is often ignored in favor of the newer one, and is unfortunately virtually forgotten

"d00d, its t3h numa numa danse omg lol!!!!111eleven"

"NO. WRONG. It's Dragostea Din Tei. So take that and shove it up your NUMA."

by Some call me...Tim. May 3, 2005

221👍 18👎


(abbr.) The oral pronunciation of the online term "lmao", short for "laughing my ass off".

"Oh, man! That dude just got served! L'mow!"

by Some call me...Tim. February 23, 2005

33👍 26👎

Shira Bell

(n.) The secret boss character appearing at the end of the PPGD (Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi) flash game when played on a level between 6 and 10. Extremely skilled at raping grown men and making them cry.

(v.) To be owned by the above

-Shira Bell

Tim: You look awful! What happened?
Mike: I got Shira Bell'd.
Tim: Snap.

by Some call me...Tim. April 4, 2006

25👍 8👎


(n.) The super-powerful form of Ryu's Shoryuken technique. When not used at extremely close range it deals mediocore damage, but if used at such a range it deals horrendously massive damage (Somewhere around 1/3 of a full health bar, on average).

"I was doing good, I almost had him beat, and then he busts out the Shin-shoryuken and whoops my sorry ass."

by Some call me...Tim. February 23, 2005

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(v.) To carry and use two single-hand weapons at the same time; often associated with Halo 2, although it is featured in many other FPS titles as well.

"Dude, dual-wielding magnums is like going cowboy, yo!"

by Some call me...Tim. February 23, 2005

33👍 17👎

rally cap

1) (v.) To wear one's hat/cap in a way that differs from the normal fashion in which the person wears it.(i.e. Backwards, sideways, or inside-out). Often done for good luck.

2) (n.) A hat or cap worn in a fashion stated in definition 1.

"I never saw the point in a rally cap; how does turning a hat help you?"

by Some call me...Tim. February 23, 2005

32👍 27👎