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Canada's largest city (in population) and financial centre. Fifth largest city in N. America behind, Mexico City, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. The most diverse city on the planet, where more than 40% of the population is born outside Canada. A world class city, often known for its global meet-ups, concerts and film shoots. Many companies, organizations are located within the city.

The city recievs large amounts of criticism from other parts of the city.

1. "Crime ridden": Basically, same problem as New York. It has very low crimes rates, yet it is critisized for high crime rates? Maybe these "other cities" can just keep dreaming and buy a computer and go the Canada Statistics website and find out who actually does have high crime rates *cough* you *cough*.
2. Pollution: Yeah, and your perfect star land where someone would faint as someone else slowly breathes out carbon dioxide.
3. "Ignorant": Do you know any city/town/village in central BC? Do you know any city/town/village in Northern Quebec? Guess not. Do I know the city opposite to me within in my province? Yes, Thunder Bay or Fort Severn, go figure.
4. "Not world class": Then what is? Why is Sydney, Australia world class? They certainly have less diversity and population (no offence it is an ideal city) and yet we don't have the things to match? Pathetic. Also, San Francisco is rated world class, Toronto has 10x the population, more diversity and their ticket to fame was the Bay Bridge, so we decided to use the CN Tower.

If Toronto were a seperate province, Quebec would be biggest, Ontario would be second and Toronto would come third.

by Some1tobe November 3, 2006

83👍 225👎


A lot like racism, except it has to do with the unequal treatment between the two genders of male and female.

It's quite hard to see sexism in democratic/libereal countries but it's still there.

Sexism is just as bad as racism and ageism.
A person who commits a lot of sexism is called a sexist

Convo 1:
Girl: Hey I know what I can become... A MECHANIC!
Boy: WTF!?, that's a man's job.

Convo 2:
Boy: Are you gonna pay the bills?
Girl : NO STFU!!

Convo 3:
Girl: Hey are you gonna help me take care of this baby?
Boy: NO! that's a woman's job!

Convo 4:
School Administrator(girl) : Welcome to the "Get Sexist school for girls" hey wait a minute your a boy!!!
Boy: So good for me, F******!

Convo 5:
Girl: Can i run for president?
Boy: Sure! wanna be a maid or a cook?

Convo 6:
Boy: Mom, can I buy the barbie?

All examples of sexism :)

by Some1tobe July 20, 2006

153👍 2132👎


The mega province of Canada. Population 12 million+ with a population density of about 16.8 people per sq km. Shares borders with Manitoba, Quebec, New York and Michigan. To the north is Hudson Bay and to the South is Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Ontario is the economic engine of Canada. It contains Canada's largest cities. However most of the popultion lives in South Ontario (approx. 11.6 million) and lesser to the north (approx. 400,000). But North Ontaio has its cities (Sudbury, Thunder Bay, North bay). South Ontario however is one of the most densist places in North America. With major cities like: Toronto (nation's biggest city and provincial capital), Hamilton (The most populous Hamilton), Ottawa (nation's capital), Kingston, London (For defenition of this city check London, Ontario), Windsor and Kitchner.

Ontario is highly sterotyped by the rest of Canada. But what they don't relise if it wasn't for us, there wouldn't be a Canada.

Ontario is also called an election backbone becuase it accounts for more than 30% of the votes in an Canadian Election.

Ontario... The land of everything!!

by Some1tobe June 30, 2006

202👍 164👎