"Please be careful removing your luggage from the overhead compartment. Things might've gotten jostled around in flight."
Nobody can see you if there are no witnesses.
"I use heavy stealth."
#1 Something related to are like a puppy
#2 (typically of an action) cute and adorable, something a puppy would do
#1 That cloud looks puppyish
#2 She did a little puppyish dance
Son: Hey, when's Dad's free trial of death going to be over?
Mom: Sigh, why can't you just call it sleep, like a normal person?
Handwriting so bad, it looks like you wrote it with your feet.
If only there was a magic spell or computer algorithm that can decode footwriting.
An empty threat.
The US's equivalent to "China's final warning".
"Hey, did you hear? Putin warns that he'll attack the US."
"That's not going to happen."
"What makes you so sure?"
""Putin warns", that alone means it's an empty threat."
A stock of jokes, pranks, or pieces that a jokester knows or is prepared to perform. A spoof on 'repertoire'.
I was raised by a single father. Of course my joketoire is going to mostly consist of puns.