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Wow, there's alot of bad spelling and grammer here... Anyway...
A greb is someone who tends to ware what they want and how they want to. They don't start or pick fights with anyone, except when they are backed into a corner and have nowhere to go.
Generaly, grebs will casualy walk away/round people who are hurling abuse at them.
Grebs don't:
-Hand out free hugs randomly to others in the group
-Start fights
-Smoke weed, pot, anything at all (not to my knowlege anyway)
-Listen to rap, dance or junk like that because the lyrics usualy go as follows: "Yo, I'm rappin' and I spank my white biatch up. Ya can't do nufin' about it." Or "I saw you in a bar and I wanted to bang you repeat several times"

Grebs do:
-Generaly do much better than chavs/townies academicaly
-Listen to music which have a meaning and can save there lives one day " It's easier to run, Replacing this pain with something numb, It's so much easier to go, Than face all this pain here all alone." Basicly means that if you stay here by yourself and feel the pain from the name calling chavs, one should leave and make the pain numb so it doesn't bother one.
-Have a unique sence of fashion. Most beleive grebs look very similar. But if you looked harder, you'll notice they ware different jeans from each other, you'll hardly ever find 2 grebs with the same hoody on in a group and you'll find that they all have different haircuts. (Unlike chavs/townies who go for the skinhead look... Very original...)
-Can get girlfriends/boyfriends who ACTUALY love and cherish each other. Unlike chav/townies who think it's just another bit of cheap cock/fanny if they say they love them.

Grebs can get along with lots of people but choose not to even try, it's because most hurl abuse at them when they get close. I should know, I'm a greb myself and have an awsome girlfriend (we've been going out for 5 months... That's 4 months and 29 days longer than a couple of chavs can go out for.)

P.s. Some of the quieter and possibly anarexic grebs do know martial arts and self defence, so if you're not careful, I will drop kick your nose nose again. Got it? Good :)
Oops! Did I just type that? You know who you are insert a somewhate diabolican laugh here

*Grebbo walks down the street, casualy talking to another grebbo*
*Chavs on bikes shout pathetic insults the grebs have heard many times before so it doesn't bother them*
*Grebbos continue walking*
*Chavs eventualy go away and get run over buy a 10 tonne truck*
*Grebbos don't hold a grudge and continue walking*
A greebo likes to be different and is usualy bullied

by Somewhat Diabolical June 28, 2006

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