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New York Times

One of the greatest newspapers that you can always rely on.

And no it's definitely not left-winged propaganda. In reality, it's pretty centrist.

New York Times keeps me informed.

by Soul_Driver December 27, 2021

275πŸ‘ 6608πŸ‘Ž


A Twitter trend that started after Donald Trump falsely claimed that Hurricane Dorian was going to strike Alabama (their local weather service told him otherwise). Despite the evidence of being proven wrong, Trump held a press conference in the Oval Office with a National Weather Service map apparently doctored with a cone shape displayed on parts of Alabama in a black marker.

It's embarrassing, possibly illegal and an especially strong indicator on just how insecure the President is. Instead of manning up and admitting that he made boo-boo, he prefers to whine about how "fake news" is being mean to him.

Sharpiegate makes me long for a a real leader

by Soul_Driver September 8, 2019

2118πŸ‘ 6711πŸ‘Ž


Confirmation bias in an nutshell

I love reddit. I need my echo chamber!

by Soul_Driver November 12, 2019

1316πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž

Born In The USA

An anti-war song that Bruce Springsteen wrote. Arguably, it's the most misinterpreted song ever. Most people tend to think it's a flag-waving anthem, but if you read the lyrics.. it's a cynical protest song that deals with the effects of the Vietnam War on Americans.

Moron: "Born in the USA" is so smug. Why would anyone sing about how great it is being American?

Genius: Read the lyrics, you dolt.

by Soul_Driver October 17, 2011

760πŸ‘ 637πŸ‘Ž

Rose Twitter

A bunch of pedantic & self-righteous users on Twitter who post a bevy of red herrings, half-truths and outright lies about ANYONE that God forbid have practical views that don't align with their socialist agenda.

The name "rose twitter" is a colloquial term in reference to the rose emoji next to their username.

Rose Twitter is still mad that Bernie Sanders lost the primary, so they threw a tantrum by not voting.

by Soul_Driver January 1, 2021

82πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Model Mayhem

A networking site geared towards aspiring models and photographers. It would be a great site, but it has flaws that are enough to overlook the pros. It's EXTREMELY unprofessional. For starters, the moderators are always on their high-horse & they'll ban members without any kind of warning if you get into a political/soapbox argument on the forums (I fail to see the connection between off-topic arguments & expanding your portfolio). And there's alot of perverted photographers who lack talent that are only interested in finding attractive models to shoot nude (or nearly nude) for their own personal pleasures & provide no benefit for the model.

Overall, Model Mayhem sucks & avoid it like a plague! It's only a matter of time before the site crashes & burns (which it will).

Skeeter: I want to build a portfolio with some nice photos. I'll join Model Mayhem.

Homer: Don't. It's unprofessional & shitty. It's full of pervy photographers who just want to see you naked & idiot moderators who exert their power plays & punish you for name-calling on the forums.

Skeeter: Okay, nevermind. I don't have to join to know that site sucks cock

by Soul_Driver July 25, 2011

258πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

Jim Jordan

The dumbest and most despicable member of Congress.

His attempts to create spins are not only downright embarrassing but he is also turning a blind eye to a wrestling sexual abuse scandal that happened at Ohio State University while he was an assistant coach there some years back. He knows way more than what he claims and it is only a matter of time before he will be held accountable.

Jim Jordan is a quintessential Trumptard

by Soul_Driver November 16, 2019

157πŸ‘ 5079πŸ‘Ž