Meme creation
The combination of popular media to less popular media or ideas to add a funny or interesting context.
Not many are interested in memecion, as the long-term rewards are sadness and loneliness.
When you begin singing or dancing uncontrollably in public due to an unnaturally strong vibe
Did you see Jake at the store breakout in a spontaneous vibe?
The combination of clench and cinch;
Where a person does something amazing and has to clench there butt-hole, but makes the feat look effortless.
Adam clinched last night when he did a double back-flip.
We thought Katie was going to clinch it, but she did a face-plant instead.
Gift of Life
a will to live
"John was going to jump off a bridge until I gave him my GoL"
"By inserting my GoL into Susan she finally has something with a will to live inside her"