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Acres Burger

A meal named after (and associated with) the impoverished, council house area of Four Acre in St Helens.
An Acres Burger is a standard burger where the conventional buns have been replaced with sliced white bread. This would typically be seen as a struggle meal and would likely be seen in instances where there is a lack of budget for burger buns (such as within the council houses of the Four Acre area). Because of this, the meal is typically ridiculed, especially when someone is consuming an Acres Burger nearby. The term 'Acres Burger' is typically exclusive to residents of St Helens due to the obscurity of the Four Acres area, so the term may be prefixed with a different area local to that of the user.

1- "Mate I'm fucking starving but there's nothing in the house."
2- "Have you got Farmfoods quarter pounders?"
1- "Yeah."
2- "Have you got a loaf of Warbies?"
1- "Yeah."
2- "Acres Burger."

by SpeechOfStHelens August 27, 2022

Acres Hot Dog

A close relative of the Acres Burger. The meal is similar to the Acres Burger in the sense that the hot dog's roll has been replaced with sliced white bread. An Acres Hot Dog is made by either rolling and encasing the hot dog sausage with the bread 'Cigarette style' or cupping the sausage with the bread 'Taco style'. The Acres Hot Dog has the same connotations as its beefy brother in the sense that it is a struggle meal that would not be out of place in the Four Acre area of St Helens.

1- "Just been up to Aldi in Clock Face and they had no hot dog rolls."
2- "Bollocks. Acres Hot Dog it is then."

by SpeechOfStHelens August 28, 2022

Vauxhall Corsa

Noncemobile. Found in Maccies car parks with 3 Year 8s crammed in the back and a Level 2 Bricklaying student in the front. Often kitted out with plastic spoilers, back box deletes, rear diffusers that do fuck all and fake 'VXR' badges despite it being a 1 litre- known as the 'Halfords Ram-Raid' look.

1- "Did you hear that Vauxhall Corsa drive past last night?"
2- "Yeah. Sounded like a lawnmower

by SpeechOfStHelens February 23, 2024