Infinity times infinity. Far bigger than a million, billion, trillion, zillion, killion, jillion, padillion, fafillion, or kasmillion. Oddly enough, if you were to take 10,022 Jupiters and land them on Jupiter, they would weigh exactly one Krofdillion tons. Jupiter would then collapse along with the rest of the universe.
"No one's ever seen a Krofdillion anything. If there were a Krofdillion dust particles in the air, they would blot out the sun." - Steven Ping, Manager of the Double Dragon Chinese Restaurant and Part Time Fiction Writer
1๐ 3๐
The language retards use when extremely frustrated, surprised, or just all the time. Involves many OMGs and exclamation marks.
Regular Person: I liked the sequel better.
OMGspeaker: ZOMGZ!!!!!! fuk yuo ur porly retartedf yo gay n0b0!!!!!!!!!!! sutf froveer ,stuiped asshol!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!
Regular person: ...What?
OMGspeaker 1: dud, i got all teh bets ponr vdoies fro rfee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMGspeaker 2: tahts gai, i gto moer tnah tose wat u gay im pro at pnor, fga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regular kid: Guys, school's been out for like 3 hours. Are you just gonna sit there and play Runescape all day?
OMGspeaker 1: stfu, afgg!!!!!!! rNuescaep is teh best!!!!!!!! OMF!!!!!!!!
OMGspeak is for retards and sarcastic persons only.
The best cheese. The cheese of cheeses. The king of all cheese products, not to be questioned by anyone.
Cures all disease, solves all problems, and creates world peace.
This is Cheddar Cheese. Fuck all other cheeses.
41๐ 6๐
1. Common misspelling of the word "punch".
2 .Wat yuo do to some1 wen yur relly made at them!!
Yu pnuch tehm in teh faic!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. A delicious fruit type beverage. I prefer pineapple pnuch.
OMGZZ!!! I cnat belive youu sed taht!!! *I pnuch yuo in the faece rley hrad!!!!!*
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