A woman of color that enjoys dating men of Caucasian descent
Celebs like Justin Timberlake and Brad Pitt cause some chicks from the hood to become smugglers.
17👍 49👎
A Caucasian woman who enjoys dating men of color (ie, men that african americans, carribean, anglo african, etc)
See also coal-burner
That Heidi Klum...she is one sexy burner
11👍 29👎
A woman of color that enjoy dating men of Caucasian descent
See also smuggler
Hallie Berry plays an ivory smuggler on Monster's Ball
13👍 6👎
A Caucasian woman who enjoys dating men of color (ie, african americans, carribean, anglo african, etc)
See also burner
I love clubs that play hip hop music because there are sure to be coal- burners there.
358👍 205👎