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hybrid theory

One of the best albums people have ever heard. It's Linkin Park's debut album. There's not a single bad word in it.

Track wise analysis:

1.PAPERCUT-Super fast rapping by Shinoda building to several mini choruses, and eventually a long melodic chorus punctuated by rap.

2.ONE STEP CLOSER-Linkin Park made this angst filled song when they were frustrated in perfecting "Runaway", which is Track#6 in the album. This song was their first ever single. They play this track as the last song in every concert of theirs.

3.WITH YOU-This is the track in which you notice the unique turn tabling ability of DJ Hahn. So far, the only Linkin Park song where Chester sings in a "different" voice, noticeable in the chorus.

4.POINTS OF AUTHORITY-The only sign of rap is in the beginning and somewhere towards the middle. Another nice track to play on the move.

5.CRAWLING-The Music Video for this won a Grammy Award in 2002. Best part is the few lines before the chorus. Powerful lyrics, Chester is predominant.

6.RUNAWAY-The first 3 seconds of this song made me a Linkin Park freak. Nice track to succeed Crawling

7.BY MYSELF-You can classify this as "Lazy Rap". I never liked this song much, but the chorus is very catchy.

8.IN THE END-Aw C'mon, of course you know this one. It's the most popular song they have ever made, till date. Nu Metal, as it's peak. A piano loop throughout, fast-rapping by Shinoda, chorus by Chester.

9.A PLACE FOR MY HEAD-An Arabic twinge to the guitar used in this one. A superb one where Chester screams the loudest. Placement in the album spot on.

10.FORGOTTEN-Heaviest track in the album. Here's where you spot the inefficiency of the Linkin Park guitarists. Luckily Shinoda's rapping saves the song.

11.CURE FOR THE ITCH-All instrumental. DJ Hahn at his turntables. Full Marks!

12.PUSHING ME AWAY-AN anticlimax, appearing at the end of the album. Nevertheless, a great song, to hear when you are feeling guilty after lying to somebody.

This is amazing. One of the few rock albums where they don't swear. Linkin Park knows how to do it.

Have you heard Hybrid Theory?

Of course mate!

by Spiderguy252 March 7, 2008

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