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The funniest sitcom ever next to the Drew Carey Show. It has incredible acting making jokes that don't seem funny on paper are hilarious when Jerry, George (My favorite), Elaine, and Kramer

Jerry Seinfeld (pretending to be dark and mysterious): I don't care for laughter I feel it is just a pointless escape from the cold world we actually live in
Girsl: So what do you do?
Jerry Seinfeld: I'm a comedian

by Spikesy May 30, 2006

63πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž


A Juggalo is the guy that nobody knows. Nobody understands them, so therfour, they hate them. A Juggalo gets fucked with their whole life, and our found working hard for everything they have, because they are unwanted and unrespected. The only thing they have in the end, is their Juggalo Family. They know when things get tough they have their juggalo family to fall back on.

A Juggalo does not care about all the latest trends, all the high-school labels, all the drama, because a Juggalo is born different from the sheep that pretend to be exactly like everyone else. Therfour, anyone saying "Yo dawg, I's be down wit da mufa fuckin clowns, yo" and is sporting every single hatchet ware product and listins to just ICP, is not a Juggalo.

Because Juggalos are misunderstood, and hard to define, they are continually ridiculed. Often stereotyped as white trash, thugs, or stupid. First of all, stereotyping is stupid. I could call all haters stupid because the hate us because they don't understand us, but I don't, because I know some haters have resonable reasons to hate us, no wait, THERE IS NO REASON FOR HATE.

Juggalos are againts all hate. Just like in ICP's lyrics, we are againts all racists, stereotyping, and haters. Because a juggalo is smart enough to know all of these things are useless to society.

And for the record, in my excpierence with juggalos, many of them have ICP as the're 3rd or 4th favorite band. Twiztid, Tech N9ne and ABK mostly being in front. So no, not ALL Juggalos listen (Or worship as some people put it) ICP


Example of a juggahater, My responces are in parentheses

Brainless selfish morons that live under the illusion that the entire world is against them. Fact is, they're not important enough for anyone to actually care (Wow, you care) These people are outcasts because they want to be (Fact is, any normal person would not want to be accosiated with us. We're clowns remember? Juggalos arn't created because they want to be, were created by listening to any Psy's artist and going, "Wow, that really sounds just like me"), my thought is that they think it's fashionable when they're really just a small insignificant pimple on society's ass (fashionable... to be a clown?). They're the real "haters", they can't stand anyone that isn't them (So your defining every single juggalo in the would now? You do relize that is 3-7 million people right?). Pick any Juggalo website and read their posts, they'd like to annihilate every other social group in the world (Not true. As a matter of fact, I've had hardcore kids wering "Juggalo holocaust" T-Shirts and saying that we are filth. Not all hardcore kids are little nazis, I would NEVER say that because I am not stereotypical), every other level of society. I've had a chance to speak with some of the Juggalos, they, as a group, are so ultra-violent that some (sick as it may be) actually have a plan to systematically cleanse the world of every one that is not "Down with the clown!" (I have NEVER heard that. I am a juggalo, and as a group, I have never heard of ANYTHING as ridiculas as that. Another Stereotype not true) As I recall, a little more then 60 years ago a German leader had those same thoughts. I suppose if it were to turn out that Adolph Hitler was the OJ it would explain an awful lot. (No it wouldn't)

by Spikesy July 10, 2006

88πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž


A Juggalo is the guy that nobody knows. Nobody understands them, so therfour, they hate them. A Juggalo gets fucked with their whole life, and our found working hard for everything they have, because they are unwanted and unrespected. The only thing they have in the end, is their Juggalo Family. They know when things get tough they have their juggalo family to fall back on.

A Juggalo does not care about all the latest trends, all the high-school labels, all the drama, because a Juggalo is born different from the sheep that pretend to be exactly like everyone else. Therfour, anyone saying "Yo dawg, I's be down wit da mufa fuckin clowns, yo" and is sporting every single hatchet ware product and listins to just ICP, is not a Juggalo.

Because Juggalos are misunderstood, and hard to define, they are continually ridiculed. Often stereotyped as white trash, thugs, or stupid. First of all, stereotyping is stupid. I could call all haters stupid because the hate us because they don't understand us, but I don't, because I know some haters have resonable reasons to hate us, no wait, THERE IS NO REASON FOR HATE.

Juggalos are againts all hate. Just like in ICP's lyrics, we are againts all racists, stereotyping, and haters. Because a juggalo is smart enough to know all of these things are useless to society.

And for the record, in my excpierence with juggalos, many of them have ICP as the're 3rd or 4th favorite band. Twiztid, Tech N9ne and ABK mostly being in front.


Because of the appeal of a rap/metal insane clown group, many young people may be attracted to being juggalos. Of course, using these lyrics they would sound quite immature, without knowing what they meen. These are the Juggalos that haters stereotype. But I would never call a young 11-14 year old a juffalo, there just as much a ninja as others, just a bit less mature.

by Spikesy July 9, 2006

85πŸ‘ 217πŸ‘Ž


A very strategic, complicated, and hard sport to play, but is sure fun to watch.

Lately, not only does America play baseball, but so does Japan, Cuba, Dominican Republic, austraila, South Africa and other countrys compete in something called the World Baseball Classic, kinda like the World Cup only it is a lot more fun to watch.

Many people find baseball boring which is untrue. Baseball is about 10X better to watch if your watching your favorite team play, which is why many TV Stations are based on one baseball team and many baseball announcers are biased for there favorite team. If your not watching your favorite team, then yeah, baseball is boring as hell.

European people can have they're soccer, cuz the Western Hemisphere, Asia, Australia, and South Africa are crazy over baseball not only making it America's pastime, but making it the world's pastime

by Spikesy May 29, 2006

167πŸ‘ 186πŸ‘Ž


a sport, that in the USA, nobody cares about. At all. Mostly because Americans have far better sports to watch, Like Football, Basketball, and Baseball. I have tremendous respect for hockey and it's players, and I watch every Duck's game I can, but to honestly compare it to Football, Basketball, or Baseball is just rediculous.

Canadien: Oh did you catch that Hockey game yesterday?

American: Hockey? They dont even have that on TV in America most of the time.


American: Well, usually I like to watch Football, Basketball, or Baseball.


American: Go watch some hockey fag

Canadien: Ok

by Spikesy July 5, 2006

59πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž


Something that stupid people say don't exist

Out of over 1 billion planets in the universe I would think more than one has aliens on it.

by Spikesy July 18, 2006

486πŸ‘ 147πŸ‘Ž


Something that tests your mind, body, and instincs, also the most exciting thing to ever be on TV.

Obviosly, anyone who calls sports stupid is obviously retarded. And hey, if you dont have athletic ability and if your not smart, what do you have? Can any fatass loser read a zone defence buy finding irreguler form defences, and making audibles to counteract them? Exactly, sports contain being very athletic AND smart.

Sports promotes being HEALTHY AND FIT. What an appsolute waist of time! Who would possibly want to be HEALTHY AND FIT? And who on earth would want to watch the most entertaining thing in history anyway? Anyone who go's to a game or watches it on TV is a complete MORON!


by Spikesy July 2, 2006

108πŸ‘ 161πŸ‘Ž