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Lowkey Lesbian

A lowkey lesbian is a non-lesbian non-male who everyone mistakes fo be a lesbian or could be a lesbian. Typically only holding onto those few male crushes before realizing they’re also a lowkey lesbian.

“Britney seems like a lowkey lesbian!”

by Sprankls November 22, 2019

3👍 1👎

Piss Boy

A piss boy is a piss boy. They shall do the monke dance and be terrorized by Ed Sheeran until they are no longer a piss boy or until they die. Not to be confused with scat man. This is a gender neutral term.

Kyle is such a piss boy!

by Sprankls November 18, 2019

32👍 26👎

Scat Man

Opposite of a piss boy. A scat man makes fun of piss boys and helps Ed Sheeran terrorize them. This term is gender neutral.

You may be a piss boy, but at least I’m a scat man!

by Sprankls November 18, 2019