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Gushin is a word used to describe a certain dialect disbaled people use. This word can be applied to how a person sounds in general or how they type. For example the sentence “i very tired tomorrow i no vc” (yes this is a real example) would be classified as gushin.
The gushin dialect NEVER includes the word “is” and people who use it often try to edit their sentences in an attempt to fix them (it doesnt work)
People who use it will often get agressive if you try to correct them and they think theyre smart.These people will also spend many minutes typing up a simple sentence and by the time they finish typing the conversation will already fizzle out (Be patient theyre trying)
A real life example of this would be how eric cartman sounds. People who use the gushin dialect are often equipped with helmets and headphones.
Also a synonym for this could be “gushin gertrude”

“Did you hear pablo speaking today? He sounds sounds extra gushin he must be tired”

by Spydergirl69 January 7, 2024