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Shyannie also known as Shy, is a rare woman who is a great friend and a great lover. Shyannie will go out of her way to make you feel included and make your day bright. Shyannie has only the best friends who are there for her. Even though Shy has great friends there are still people who try to ruin her day. Shyannie has to deal with rough times every day no matter what happens whether it's with her family or bullies who are jerks. Shyannie loves to have a fun time but if she is skeptical she won't do it even if it's harmless. The way Shy might act could come off in the wrong way but she never means it and will correct it quickly to make everyone happy. If you find a Shyannie keep her and cherish her.

Person 1: Hey Shyannie want to go to the park?
Shyannie: Sure! Sounds fun!
Person 2: Shy say Banana with no a's
Shyannie: No thanks!

by Squiddy-Diddy April 21, 2021


While she may be moody, she is hot and thick and loves guys even when they are total dicks. Clarissa is a great friend and a sexual one too. Clarissa just wants a fun time, but in the end will usually end up crying. Of course one of Clarissa's friends will come to the rescue

Wow did you see Clarissa, She is hot!
Clarissa and Isaiah have so much fun!

by Squiddy-Diddy April 20, 2021

16👍 3👎


10/10 would have again.

Karli is an amazing person

by Squiddy-Diddy October 9, 2021


An amazing friend who is mildly attractive and is 85% a lesbian. Echo has a big heart and a shiny ass forehead but we still love her<3

My friends and I went over to Echo's house to play football and music after listening to billie eilish

by Squiddy-Diddy October 9, 2021

9👍 1👎


A really nice genuine nice person who always (sometimes) has time for her friends. Most of the time telling the truth but sometimes doesn't. Sometimes will also not be nice to her (wannabe) best friend (isaiah) no reason at all. Anyway that's beside the point. Julia has a very cringe taste in music and listens to things like Korn, we still lover her tho. Julia sucks at math and always needs help from her friends (especially the male one's) Julia likes smaller friend groups. Julia is HOT AF. GG's gamer

Julia is such a Sussy Baka

by Squiddy-Diddy October 9, 2021