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A "CockSock" is jargon for a condom that you would place on a male's penis.

The name draws from the comparison of applying your feet with a sock to putting a condom on the cock with both being practical as protection as well as both being rippable due to lack of care.

Could we hold on the engaging contact honeysuckles while I put on my "cocksock" for hopeful prevention of accidental pregnancy.

Here Billy, take this "cocksock" with you incase you score a winner with someone tonight.

by Squirrelpower September 14, 2008

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Deeply Dead

To be "deeply dead" is to have the sensation of being bored silly,unenergerized to the mundane day ahead or that's ended.

"I'm 'deeply dead' suzy from this ever ongoing lecture today."

"how is this 'deeply dead' of a day not over with yet?."

by Squirrelpower January 6, 2009

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Leet Street

A spin to the phrase of the universal,every minute use known as the internet.

The name draws from the utilization of the "leet" language that is employed upon the internet (and mobile phones) in conversations, chat rooms, forums such as:

"LOL", "Pwned" and "Noob"

along with emoticons

"XD", ":-0" and "="

Sup dude, I saw you on the leet street the video of you dancing to "Steps'- 5,6,7,8."

I'm sorry teach, yes....I should not of used the leet street as my single resource for the essay.

by Squirrelpower July 11, 2008

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Full of Nothing

A term to state that someone your attempting to communicate with is speaking nonsense/bullshit.

The sentences you've been hearing from someone is empty and meaningless in relation to a subject or general taboo talk .

You sir are full of nothing in your exclaimations towards your degrading film critque of the classic, "Psycho".

Cease yourself from your full of nothing significant to say rambles of yourself and your daily hackneyed life routine.

by Squirrelpower July 31, 2008

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Phoney Baloney

A substitute to the word "lie/s" and to a extent "bullshit". When presented with false-hood information and wanting to declare that all that was said is classified as a lie.

Whats with all the "phoney baloney" that your providing me with, I trusted you with my posessions and i blatantly see a dent on my car.

Thats "phoney baloney" to your claim of being hurt from my mini jab to your shoulder

by Squirrelpower February 17, 2008

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The setting up a shot that requires lighting, framing and positioning of subjects.

A studio shoot/behind the scenes of pictures that are professionally done compared to a picture from a click of a button flash digital camera on location

You can see the protography in these images, lighting has a mood, the background is colourful and the model is the delight to the centerpiece.

The protography from the digital SLR camera is beyond amazing.

by Squirrelpower September 3, 2009

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The past of technology that has assisted in development to the now times of electronics.

Can also be said in the context of old school electronica music.

"This gameboy is a hardcore piece of "Retro-Electro".

Yeahhhhs, come buddy, lets groove on to the "Retro-Electro" that is "No Limits".

by Squirrelpower January 12, 2009

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