Source Code

Guerrilla Coding

Guerrilla Coding comes from the Root Phrase Guerrilla Warfare, because like Guerrilla Warfare, Guerrilla Coding is swift and irregular programming that takes agile to the extreme with hit-and-run type coding of various components within a project. Meaning a programmer that jumps from component to component adding their own code to make that component more efficient or completing that component more quickly, and in the mind of the Guerrilla Coder “better” than the programmer or programmers who were originally assigned to that task.

It’s when the best programmer in your group who has the ability and “creative freedom” to write any code and change any code they wish in any source code module in your team’s GIT or SVN or other source code repository; most likely your manager and he usually feels that the project is going to slow, and therefore he takes it upon himself to speed up the development work, by writing a little bit of code here, correcting some other developer’s bugs over there, perhaps refactoring another developer's code over there to make it perform better, or at least in their mind easier to maintain.

A manager like this is normally known to your organization as a Unicorn, because he rose the ranks from developer to team or “pod” lead, to perhaps architect, eventually making it to group manager; basically, they can do it all. They are just that damn good, and they know it, and think they are a G.O.A.T. and they even go around saying they code Guerrilla Style.

My manager uses the Guerrilla Coding technique. I would be pissed off, but he usually does my job for me in half the time, and he's just that damn good. Plus he signs my paycheck.

by SrcMaker October 5, 2017

7👍 1👎


A Karen I'd Like to Fuck

Me: You see that Karen over there complaining to the Starbucks Manager? Yeah, She's a KILF.
My Friend: What's a KILF?
Me: A Karen I'd Like to Fuck!
My Friend: Oh Yeah!

by SrcMaker January 5, 2020

24👍 10👎

Dog Shot

When the ATF comes to your house because you bought "fuel filters" from China and they shoot your dog by "mistake"...

ATF Agent: We see hear you bought a Fuel Filter that looks like a Silencer from China.

You: What? No I needed a new Filter for my pick up truck.

ATF: Sir, stop lying, we know you watch both Firearm and Car videos on YouTube. You are on our list.

You: Am I being Detained?

ATF: .....

You: I refuse to answer any questions without a lawyer.

ATF: .......

(You Dog walks out of the kitchen)

ATF: He's got a gun!

(Pew Pew Pew)


ATF: Your Dog Shot First. Here's your warning, DON'T Buy any more Fuel Filters from China.

by SrcMaker January 4, 2021

333👍 87👎

Telepathic Rape

An episode in ST:TNG (Star Trek - The Next Generation) of actual "Telepathic Rape". Season 5, Episode 12. Title: Violations. Until Telepathy is proven to exist in the real world, this is the real instance of "Telepathic Rape".

Wow did you see that Telepathic Rape episode on TNG where Troi was actually mind-raped by another Telepathic Alien?!?!?!

by SrcMaker August 16, 2021

12👍 70👎


B.A.F.L. = Blow A Fucking Load

When Bitcoin hits $500K I'm literally gonna BAFL!

by SrcMaker March 9, 2021

Soy Culture

Art, Music, Writing, Videos, Podcasts, Movies, TV Shows, and Games, created by Social Justice Warriors, usually involving gender swapping male and female roles, endless use of Virtue Signaling.

Examples include rebooting or creating new sequels to books, movie, and video game franchises that corrects some "wrong think" from the original story line as perceived by the SJW crowd.

Anyone who dislikes Soy Culture is instantly called a Sexist, Racist, or Bigot.

Why do we even bother paying to watch their Soy Culture destroy our childhood memories, once again the SJWs ruined Star Wars for everybody else.

by SrcMaker October 3, 2019

10👍 6👎


The Lamestream Education System. The system of education that creates generations of Sheeple who cannot think for themselves. The Lameducation System are not limited from K-12, it extends into Higher Lameducation Institutions such as Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities and Graduate School, which at these higher levels produce Sheeple with useless degrees in useless Majors which hundreds of thousands of dollars in Student Debt and no real job prospects locking them into a never ending dependence on Lamestream Institutions. Which is exactly what the Lamestream Elite Wants, Sheeple with Huge Amounts of Debt who are followers not free thinkers.

Past Tense: Lameducated

Adjective: Lameducational

I am a product of the Public Lameducation System.

I just got my Masters Degree in Lameducation, now I get to teach all new generations how to think EXACTLY like me and my teachers and their teachers...

I am highly lameducated, you have to listen to me, your 30 years of professional experience means nothing, I should be your boss, and you have to pay me more than you make because of my Lameducation and I know how to multi-task on both iPhone and Android.

I watch youtube all day, it's highly Lameducational.

by SrcMaker January 3, 2021

1👍 1👎