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The ability of speaking backwards or to mix letters up on a sentence.

Whwn I said She was sitting in the liddle of the mivingroom floor. That was a form of lisdexia.
I gotfor where I put it.

Oh no I have a run in my hanty pose.
Stacy is kooking in the citchen

by Stacyskendall October 4, 2021


Someone who farts in the bath tub, and then bites the bubbles.

Kerry look at Amanda, what is she doing . She's biting her bubbles .

I know Stacy , you didn't know that she was a fanarcnarc.

Girl she's been that way for years.

We still love her though.

by Stacyskendall November 19, 2020


When you're having sex with some one and can't feel the peninsula and or it tickles .

To enter the tahini n she not be aware ok you so it tickles

I had no clue if I did him any good last night but it wasneakleNe should but a bell on that so I'll know when it's coming .

I don't know if I lukecthecway he startled me , who knew he was the sneakers type

I nearl got my fly swatter out until I realized he was behind me he's gonna either get whacked or give me a stroke one of these days

by Stacyskendall September 18, 2023



Shard of a sparkling kind

What us yhat shinning so brightly over there . It sure is shardkly.

by Stacyskendall April 5, 2022


To be more lit than you were previoudly.

Hey bro what did you think about that stuff from mexico??

Well It was ok but honestly t hat the shit from California i was way lotliter.

by Stacyskendall August 21, 2022


Ãfter pussy syndrome . When you can be best friends until they get the pussy then they do a 360 n become psycho. It's becoming an epidemic nation wide.

Man I wish these guys didn't have aps. They eye so much best at life before. Another lost to aps.

by Stacyskendall April 3, 2024


Combo for beautiful and pretty

Look at the girl she's so breautiful

by Stacyskendall April 16, 2021