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the Satanic Panic

A moral Panic that was instigated heavily by Christian/Catholic Televangelists that Persecuted and falsely accused Satanists of crimes they didn't commit and fear mongered against Satanism and Satanists, especially Theistic Satanists!

Even though The Satanic Panic occurred in the 80s and 90s, some argue that this event and its effects never truelly ended as yet in history.

Even to this very day, Satanists and Satanism, are persecuted, misrepresented in public media such as TV and movies. Especially Theistic Satanism!

Real Satanists, regardless of weither they are Theistic or Athiestic, are not violent or harmful in anyway! Satanists DO NOT do sacrifices or harm humans or animals!

But no, Satanism is a nonviolent belief system with a very dark looking asthetic and beliefs that are very differing to Christianity and Catholicism!

But ask yourselves a question: who benefits from other people fearing and or Hating Satanists and Satanism?

Definitely not Satanists! Over the years, many Satanists have been persecuted and many temples or churchs related to Lucifarianism and or Satanism have been the casualties of violent protests (think People throwing chairs and Christian/ Catholic Statues through the window) and Arsons.

Satanists are often verbally abused, harassed, and threatened by Christian and Catholic Extremists if they make their beliefs known!

Rather, Christians and Catholics, Particularly the more Extremist benefit from this hatred and misplaced fear of Satanists.

Person 1: "why are so many Satanists that have seen on TV portrayed as violent? I met a Satanist once, and that person was a peiceful person and they did non of the stuff that's portrayed on television."

Person 2: "Thats mainely due to something that happened in the 80s and 90s called The Satanic Panic. This was when Satanists where falsely accused of crimes they didn't commit. Satanists are still persecuted even to this day because of this widespread moral panic,"

Person 1: "Oh. What started The Satanic Panic?"

Person 2: Christian and Catholic televangelists and extremists spreading widespread fear mongering and panic about Satanists, in an attempt to grow their own numbers."

Person 1:"That Sucks!"

by Starfire16 February 5, 2022

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Not going into detail on why I say this, but I'm saying I have my reasons. Dyson is the name of someone who catfished me online and tried to convince me my spirit guides where being killed, just to try and claim that to save my spirit guides would only be saved if I was in a relationship with him. Super creepy, 10/10 would NOT recommend. Really creepy. If someone ever says to me that they have Dyson, and they are not talking about a vacuum I will haul ass in the other direction as fast as humanly possible.

Person 1: "Oh, Dyson's great!"

Me: "Your talking about the vacuum company right? I've heard they have cool vacuums too."

Person 1: "Nope! He's a great new friend I made online!,"

Me : "Heed my warning, please! Block him while you can.," *runs away hauling ass as fast as humanly possible*

by Starfire16 April 8, 2022


The new word for Stupid or dumb. Based on recent actions by the Supreme Court, aka: The Stupid Court/Dumb Court. Can be used to describe something stupid that happened, something or someone that is stupid or acting stupid, or a something stupid someone brings up or makes mandatory. Can also describe a stupid rule.

"Hey, Tom, did you see the political debate last night?"
"No, Dave, what happened?,"
"Oh, it was SO Supreme, I cringed watching it!,"
"Tom, I don't care, I'm voting for politician A anyway."
"Dave, Politician A thinks motor oil can be used as Shampoo. Politician A is Supreme."
"OK, what about candidate B?"
"Candidate B is not fit for-"
"Shut up, Tom! You are being Supreme if you think imma vote in Candidate A!"
"Oh yeah? Well your coffee mug is Supreme Dave! Who in fucks name has one with a mouse on it?"
"Its from a trip I went on to Disney land when I was a kid, Tom."

Guy gets a coffee, finds Paper straw in his order rather than a normal straw.
"Gosh dangit," these Paper Straws are So Supreme, I'm gonna complain to the restoraunt!,"

"Omg, this weather is so hot out. Fuck this weather, this weather is SUPREME! I wish this heatwave would just end already!,"

"Did you hear? TV spokes person told us all that the only meal we need to eat is Cereal all day, everyday!" "Oh wow, that's such a Supreme thing to say, what was that guy thinking?! Can't he be fired for saying something like that?"
"Oh wow. That's so Supreme, someone should change that!,"

by Starfire16 July 9, 2024


Extremely Stupid. Also known as the new word for Stupid. Unintelligent.

What that guy did the other day was Supreme! I can't believe he did that in front of the entire class! Lmao

by Starfire16 October 2, 2022