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Shayla is a (girl) an (amazing) girl if u ever cross path with a (Shayla) dont let her go but dont do wrong by her or u might want to run, a Shayla is an (amazing) friend and someone that u should never let go just a smile from a Shayla can make your heart sink her eyes will make u feel like u are floating. The most (Wonderful) girl

Shayla is an Extrodinary person!!!

by Stawberry2567 February 28, 2018

116👍 11👎


(Aaron) A person that is very athletic puts 100% in to everything he does has a big head which must equal a big brain which I would assume equals smartness but can get angry oh dont make a wild Aaron angry.

Whatch out its Aaron

by Stawberry2567 February 27, 2018

1👍 3👎