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George ellinas

so you're a cuck ay?

by Steak baked March 9, 2020


like polite ( which is the practical application of manners and etiquette) being plite is the use of polite mannerisms to miss lead someone into thinking you like them, want to talk to them or are interested in what they have to say what so ever. usually calculated, cold and ex termly manipulative.

can be used to hurt people, but more commonly used in situations of no interest.

e.g having a conversation about somethin you dont care about but still asking questions and seeming intrigued. hiding your dislike of the person speaking.

this can get more an more cruel as relationships change. being plite in a relationship is psychopathic and manipulative, being plite in a conversation is actually a way of hiding your dislike for someone.

this can

the homless man asked for some change, the passerby plitely said no sorry, while walking off with the ching of change in his pockets.

the group of friends miss led the new kid plitely. they inviting him out to the park just to leave him there by him self when it got dark. When the kid asked why they left him there the day before. the kids replied, just being "plite"

the girl plitley said yeah to going back to his house. just so she could sniff all the coke he was offering her.

by Steak baked April 11, 2020