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Catty can be used to mean things like cute, fetch, gorge, and perf

“Hey girl, your skirt is so catty”

by Stellae April 19, 2024


A religion called caroism that follows a divine figure called mother locus, if you fulfill your purpose in life you get the grace of dying with your purpose done and if you dont then you are reincarnated as a star and forced to burn and watch other people live their lives, the rules and prophetic stories are called the praecepta and will be followed, your purpose can be minuscule or large but you wont know, the people who get prophecies and messaged through dreams are called stellae and the symbolism for mother locus is a weeping willow.

It is among a small group of people who recieved the prophecies of mother locus and want to spread the divine teachings of her.

“I am a caroist. I follow the religion of caroism.”

by Stellae September 24, 2023