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Disingenuous social affect

Manipulative person who affects false sincerity in order to gain socially.

Jake pretends he is everyone's friend but he is a back stabber and a disingenuous social affect.

by Stephdog April 12, 2011

5👍 1👎

Beard Fag

Trendy hipster type guy who still thinks growing a big disgusting beard makes him fashionable or unique.

Look at that Beard Fag, he still thinks he's living in 2002.

by Stephdog April 12, 2011

55👍 17👎

Beard Fag

Hipster's who still somehow think that having a big disgusting beard makes them stylish or unique.

Look at that beard fag, he thinks it's 2002.

by Stephdog April 9, 2011

38👍 16👎