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Samahiakas are mythical creatures that slay all humans. They generally resemble the shape of Giant Sea snakes and\or tax collectors. But they are not bound to foolish earth mortal Shapes and sizes. The only known pictures of this creature are in cartoon form because when ever someone tries to take a picture of one, they die a slow and painful Dr. Butts approved death. Samahiakas are gentle animals that would never try and cause anyone harm, unless they see you. If they do see you your life span drops to just a little longer then it would be if you saw a Ninja. If a Samahiaka does spot you be sure to run away very fast. If you don't they may grow bored and decide to kill you. If you do they will admire you for having enough braincells to run away and then promptly eviscerate you. Samahiakas have some close relatives which you may have heard of such as Fire, Death, Knifes, Ninjas, Dr. Butts, and other implements of stabbing. See also Chuck Norris.

I was walking down the street, and a Samahiaka came to kill me because I was not Dr. Butts Approved.

by Steve-OBSM May 11, 2008

Gnawing Out

A term used when a person is fucked up on Norcos (10mg/325mg), or "gnawing out" out when said person eats, snorts, or otherwise ingests the drug either illegally or way more than prescribed by their doctor.

Ryan: Yo, Steve-O, you look like you're feeling good.
Steve-O: Bahhhh, Burrr!
Ma: Man he's gnawing out on those norcos!

by Steve-OBSM May 24, 2012

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Gnawed Out

The act of getting fucked up on pills. Said pills can include Vicodin (hyrdocodone/apap), Norco (stronger hydrocodone/apap) Oxycotin (Oxycodone), Xanax (Alparazolam) etc. This is when you are in a complete state of being fucked up from taking pills, either orally, inter nasally, or even anally.

Ryan: Yo, Steve-O, what you got there?

Steve-O: About 90 Narcos and 120 Xanax.

Ryan: Oh shit, we're gonna be all gnawed out today!

by Steve-OBSM March 11, 2012

Robin Eggs

A blue Vicodin capsule that is the most powerful prescription on the market.

Man, I went to the doctor and popped 4 Robin Eggs and almost had to get my stomach pumped.

by Steve-OBSM August 13, 2011

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