Trailer park feet or TPF for short, gross nasty ass feet that are all fucked up, mostly from walking bare foot over needles and natty ice cans
Damn Bro Kady is sexy, too bad she has TPF
Also known as needle dick, this demonic creature Can be found on your couch at 3am, No loaf of bread in your house is safe, only diet is bread and ice cream,can be found climbing any 4,000 footer in New England , this demon can take your identity in a heart beat, can be anyone or anything at any given time, youâll know when your close to one cause youâll smell it before you see it, itâs outfit will consist of something awful youâd find in a Pubg Crate , Simply take you camera or phone out and record, should run away within seconds, best of luck if it doesnt,
Yo Connor you see that gobokopicture joe took last night on his phone? Fuckin thing smelled like shit bro