A band from Canada.
Things that should be noted if you don't particulary like the band...
1. No one makes you listen to it, so if you don't like stop b****ing about how much you hate it.
2. You dont know them and their families and their backgrounds so you have no right to say crap about them whining about their lives in song form. You dont know them you shouldn't judge them. You also obviously haven't looked into the lyrics because they are more honest than most bands I have heard.
3.As for the talent issue... I would like to see you get together with for other people and make decent music, better music than SP. I'd love to see that because all true musicians know how hard it is to make music and practice and shit. I'd like to see you try.. and I'd laugh... a lot.
4. Also for a band Sp, isnt into a lot of shit that some bands are in.... enough said.
5. The guys in Sp actually give a damn about their fans beyond the money factor...Simple plan foundation.
6.They understand that music is about more than just notes and rythyms, its about feelings things and ones charecter and conyeing your beliefs to anther person. Its about communication with something bigger than yourself. Its about giving a damn about something other than yourself.
7.They never said they were punk... so stop b****ing about that... jeez people can be so ridiculous over the dumbest things.
Simple plan is a down to earth band and if dont like them dont complain. "So shut up, shut up dont want to hear it" (from simple plan's song in the album still not getting any called Shut up)
25👍 73👎