the most common term used when an insult is thrown at you figuratively.
person 1: gay
person 2: NO U IDIOT
person 1: -obtains the big sad-
1) a sarcastic word people might use if something goes wrong
2) a word someone might use as a way to congradulate people.
3) a rating
1) oh that's great. the mall just closed and we're half way there. it's a 2 hour drive.
2) well that's great! good job!
3) 3 stars = great!
1) a sarcastic word people might use if something goes wrong
2) a word someone might use as a way to congradulate people.
3) a rating
4) a word someone might use when they get a golden scar in fortnite
1) oh that's great. the mall just closed and we're half way there. it's a 2 hour drive.
2) well that's great! good job!
3) 3 stars = great!
4)oh that's great and epic i got a golden scar!
lazarbeam is our yeet lord and melon god. he is the only australian youtuber we need. he has played many games in the past such as minecraft, fortnite, poly bridge, madden, and more. his original support a creator code got stolen by some other idiot, so remember to yeet and use code lazar in the fortnite, minecraft, nintendo, roblox, and item shop.
lazarbeam is better than muselk change my mind.
when our god lazarbeam yeets a meteor, it becomes a yeeteor.
a definition is commonly used when one doesnt know what a word means. in his case, the definition of definition is to define something
âhelp me define definitionâ
my friend failed to type discord call, this was a result. now it's his new username.
Disocrd Casll 39, can you play right now?