Known as: Save. Your. Self. Black. Men. A group of straight Black American males that have broken free from the chains created by The Black Gynocracy. Now the goal of SYSBM is simply just to save as many young black males as they can so they can be free and live happy lives.
So SYSBM encourages them to just get their money up, and date outside their race with non-black, and non-feminist women. Then integrate themselves into more organized and traditional cultures. Possibly even moving to a whole new country if they have too. So that they can truly have REAL freedom, and live their lives in peace. Thats all. They dont hate black women, and they dont hate white people, nor do they care what they do. SYSBM encourages for American white men, to be with black American women and make them happy. Because these women have been trained and programmed for generations by racist white people, to ONLY be in the interest of white men, and to destroy anything that the straight black men try to build at all costs. So sadly the American Black Woman is NOT the Black Man's woman anymore. They simply only love white men or only respect non-black men due to their slave programming. So the American Black Man is really on his own...
King watches his black father gets taken to the cleaners in divorce and child support court by his black mother. Then watches as his father struggles to get his life back together again. Unable to get a job because nobody wants to hire his father, and he ends up living on the streets. King see how sad and broken his father is.
King's mother says, "Black men aint shit."
King says, "Mama, Then Ima go SYSBM. So I dont end up like daddy."
Kings mother, "Boy, you gonna date outside your race? I thought you liked black girls?"
King says, "Sorry mama, but black girls are mean to me, and they dont like black men. Only Latina and white girls like me..."
Kings mother says, "Fine, go date out then..."
King says, "Thanks mama!"
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