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A term derived from an ancient torture method "Flogging" in which the torturee is whipped. When an item is "Flogged" it is Sold quickly or Pawned off ; If you "flogged" a dvd you sold it to a friend or relative cheaply and quickly, the dvd was "flogged"

I flogged that DVD Player I jacked to my bitch for 20 squid.

by Strife February 23, 2005

87👍 47👎


A style invented by the one and only Agility it's basically hardcore with some swear words added.

Dude, that Fuckcore tune is fucking sweet!

by Strife November 22, 2004

1👍 10👎


The grandmaster pimp daddy of cheese and all things cheddary. Loves to invent new styles of music such as "Slutcore" and "FuckYouCore."

Dude, Agility is such a fucking cheeser, let's listen to some slutcore!

by Strife November 22, 2004

7👍 29👎


Another style invented by Mr Agility
Hiphop with slidey noises added in and a random summer feel.

Holy shit dude, I fucking love Slutcore! Play that tune once more my selektahh

by Strife November 22, 2004

7👍 24👎