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Numa Boy

Numa boy was created as Ubermans arch rival. Numa Boy although miss understood has been linked to hate crimes. Bt has believed to have saved many lives as the outcome. He wears white Titanium armour and a eye viser. He has believed to have been colour blinded as a child when he walked in on his Grandmother getting changed. This 'Menis' has believed to speak with a thick Austro-German accent. The name Numa boy accured when he was recored Dancing to Ozones Numanuma song.

"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Not its Numa Boy"

by Stu T July 7, 2006

4👍 20👎


The most commonly looked up word in the dictionary for males between the age of 11 to 19. Second being Penis and third Vigina.

Male Kid 1: Look! Look! I've found it S-E-X.
Male Kid 2: What does it mean?
Male Kid 1: I don't know but lets try it in my tree house tonight, it must be good if Daddy has all those women come round to do it when mommies away.
Male Kid 2: OK! Sex must be great lets do it.

by Stu T July 7, 2006

895👍 425👎