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Exceptionally poor driving, often exhibited by a Turkish national or on Turkish roads, which endangers oneself, other road users, pedestrians and anyone else within the radius that a car could travel at high speed through the air. Often characterised by a distracted driver who will not stop talking, the parallel and constant use of a mobile phone while in command of a vehicle, or driving at 140 KMH only 1 metre behind the vehicle in front.
Applicable examples would be (i) multiple lane changes by a driver whilst simultaneously eating food, using a mobile phone and talking to passengers in the back of the vehicle (ii) a vehicle stopping at a busy road junction so the driver can make a phone call (iii) a vehicle reversing at high speed up a major road as the driver had missed their turn-off and was too lazy to wait until the next exit

1. Sweet Mary, Mother of Jesus, did you see that extreme turking? The driver of that car just cut across all 3 lanes of the road while eating a sandwich, sending a text message and apparently trying to make a joke to the child in the back
2. The driver of that car should be arrested for turking. Why would anyone think it is a good idea to park on a busy t-junction and make, what I assume, is a phone call to their family member to talk about what's for dinner
3. Someone nearly turked me off the road yesterday

by Stuart the scholar October 5, 2022


Appalling and shocking driving on Turkish roads and highways without any regard for the highway code or the safety of others

That turking is going to kill someone upon seeing a driver cross 3 lanes on a highway while using their mobile phone and eating a sandwich
"Good lord, that is some horrendous turking over there" as a vehicle reverses up a highway having missed a turning

by Stuart the scholar September 12, 2022