When two guitarists or guiatrist & bassist play live and lean up against each other back to back.
Aerosmith put on a classic 'rawk' show down to Joe Perry and Brad Hamilton's homo-erotic Jam Sandwich during "Walk This Way".
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When something is totally discomboobuluated.
I tried to make Turkey Chili, but what came out was a blunged-up abortion of a meal.
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(noun) An attractive girl that comes from a bad family or a low-class environment.
Derived from growers of rare strains of the Day Lilly flower, who refer to the common orange-and-yellow Day Lilly as a "Ditch Lilly". The flower is quite beautiful, but it can be found growing in the wild amongst weeds.
Shannon was quite pretty but her abusive parents and trailer-park address marked her forever a Ditch Lilly.
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Level Jenny
1. (Noun) Any person who is predispostitioned to success throughout their entire life, such as the Head Cheerleader or the Captain of the high school football team.
2. (Verb) The act of breezing through life without any problems at all, as if leading a charmed existence.
A Level jenny can be somone with incredible luck, or just happy genetics, which makes their happy life seem pre-determined to those around them.
Level Jennies rarely contemplate their success in life. It's just expected, therefore it's not an issue to question or discuss.
1. The Prom King was a complete Level Jenny, and the Junior Vice President job with his Father's company was just waiting for him after graduation.
2. The cute blonde Level Jennied her way through life, and capped it by becoming a trophy wife to a rich oil executive.
9π 1π
1. (Noun) Any person who is predispostitioned to success throughout their entire life, such as the Head Cheerleader or the Captain of the high school football team.
2. (Verb) The act of breezing through life without any problems at all, as if leading a charmed existence.
Word comes from the odds that any girl named "Jenny" will always get a free ride through life, running straight and level to happiness.
1. The Prom King was a complete Level Jenny, and the Junior Vice President job with his Father's company was just waiting for him after graduation.
2. The cute blonde Level Jennied her way through life, and capped it by becoming a trophy wife to a rich oil executive.
1. (Noun) Any person who is predispostitioned to success throughout their entire life, such as the Head Cheerleader or the Captain of the high school football team.
2. (Verb) The act of breezing through life without any problems at all, as if leading a charmed existence.
Word comes from the odds that any girl named "Jenny" will always get a free ride through life, running straight and level to happiness.
1. The Prom King was a complete Level Jenny, and the Junior Vice President job with his Father's company was just waiting for him after graduation.
2. The cute blonde Level Jennied her way through life, and capped it by becoming a trophy wife to a rich oil executive.
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Potato Salad. A delicious-yet-cheap foodstuff.
"I can't think of anything good to bring to the Pot Luck, so I'll probably just whip up some Chunk Taters."
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