Jolly Johnson2 is someone who when given prime hydration he has the sh*** for decades
Damn Jolly Johnson2 drunk a bottle of Ksi Flavoured prime and he hasn't come out of the toilet for 10years
Gamin Gravy is a chad who when you see walking in the hood you would normally throw your nintendo joycon at his handsome looking face
Damn Gamin Gravy his looking handsome I'm jealous I'm going to throw this nintendo joycon at his face
Lakitui is when 2 gay lovers call a 3rd victim in to join a threesome whilst playing mariokart 8 deluxe on the Nintendo switch
Your Such a lakitui let me shove a joycon up ur ass and ill drift my motorcycle to make the joycon vibrate intesley
Some bender name Jolly keeps repeating this woratui
Damn this bitch Is a fucking lakatui