Sai fo is basically some local Thai girls who are bigtime desperate for white boy. These Sai fo girl are way too clapped in general
A: take a look at that Thai girl over there mate
I can't believe she actually dates an white men
B: she's a Sai fo mate and frankly,that stuff is
pretty normal out here in Thailand
Short definition who is in Paris on Kanye West song
As I stopped for chowing down some KFC,there weren't no seats left, there were an array of basketball people out there man
If you're trying to pull out some Leng bird and she's coming like pogba ,matey, you got a black one.
A:what was your bird like mate,is she leng
B: yeah she's awfully wholesome and she's a white Ting you know she ain't coming like pogba like the one that I used to go with you get me.