Demonic psychosis is the death of love and compassion within the soul of an evil-doer who has thereby opened the doors to demonic entities. It equals soul death. It is a synonym of wetiko psychosis for those who prefer Latin roots to native American roots.
He is suffering from demonic psychosis.
40 years of child porn led to flagrant demonic psychosis.
Demonic psychosis beyond the skills of the world's greatest exorcist.
The demonic psychosis that underlies the world's greatest wars.
The world's belligerent nations led by demonic psychotics.
Demonic psychosis is not part of the DSM because psychiatrists donât believe in demons.
A demon-infested society full of demonic psychotics.
By driving the nation's children into demonic psychosis, the war was therefore intractable.
Religion saving the world soul-by-soul, protecting them from the danger of demonic psychosis.
World history: the story of the battle between love and demonic psychosis.
The Four Noble Realities summarise the Buddhist teachings. They are usually called the Four Noble Truths. But calling them 'Realities' not 'Truths' is better English. (For example, "1+2=3" is a TRUTH; but "1," "2," and "3" are REALITIES).
The Four Realities are considered Noble because, if practised correctly, they lead to Enlightenment. They are:
1) Suffering
2) Cause of Suffering
3) End of Suffering
4) Path leading to the End of Suffering.
The Four Realities should be regarded in the following way:
1) Suffering "must be understood."
2) The cause of Suffering "must be abandoned."
3) The end of Suffering "must be realised."
4) The Eightfold Path "must be practised."
The cause of Suffering is Craving and Attachment.
The Eightfold Path begins with the practice of virtue.
Practise the Four Noble Realities for the sake of enlightenment.
Don't just talk about the Four Noble Realities: practise them!
The reason people suffer? They don't practise the Four Noble Realities.
Why do we suffer? Because of craving and attachment. Because we are unvirtuous. Because we don't practise the Eightfold Path.
BRAHMAN is the Unconditioned Source of all Being. It is called Nirguna, without knowable qualities.
It is to be distinguished from Brahma, which is Saguna, of knowable qualities.
Whereas Brahma is represented by statues, BRAHMAN is represented by space.
Whereas Brahma is worshipped with pujas, BRAHMAN is worshipped with an exemplary way of life.
A relationship with BRAHMAN is present in all beings. But that relationship is destroyed through evil conduct.
BRAHMAN is the source of absolute safety. Realising it is the summit of human life.
Realise Brahman through a lifetime's virtue.
Cut off from Brahman through a lifetime of evil.