A four year university program that emphasizes maths and sciences, and their applications in many different fields of design. Known for its rigorous academics, engineering students have extremely high course loads (generally between 20-30 hours of class per week) and must spend considerable amounts of free time studying in order to keep up with said course loads.
Engineering majors are often bashed by those in programs with lesser course loads (especially business and arts) for having no social life. While it's true that we don't have anywhere near as much time to socialize as they do, we are more than capable of leading very normal social lives.
Also, engineering majors are pretty much guaranteed a job with at least 50k starting salary after finishing school.
*Arts major walks around with two sorority girls in his arms, and stops when he passes an engineering major, who is studying.*
Arts Major: "Hah, look at this loser in engineering, spending all his time studying, while I'm gettin laid!"
---Five Years Later---
*The engineering major pulls up to a drive thru window in his BMW, smoking hot wife sitting in the passenger seat. The arts major opens the window."
Arts Major: "Can I take your order?"
Engineering Major: "You were saying?"
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