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A person who finds Anime Characters sexually attractive.

Otakusexuals tend to masturbate to anime porn called hentai.

Otakusexuals that are skilled at drawing tend to draw anime characters to fit their sexual fantasies.

Otakusexuals are not limited to just manga/anime characters; They are also attracted to videogame characters and other characters that look similar to manga style designs.

Otakusexuality has many different subdivisions.

When an otakusexual male and an otakusexual female have sex, they would cosplay as any anime character their partner chooses; Rarely if a person doesn't look like the anime character requested, then that person would wear an anime mask of the requested character during sexual intercourse.

In other relationships they would cosplay as any character they want to be during intercourse.

1.Tifa from FF7 is the fantasy of every straight otakusexual dude in the world.

2.That otakusexual girl tends to draw her favorite anime characters having sex.

by SuperDinner February 28, 2011

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