A strange sub-species of humans, predominantly female. Almost always found wearing a puka shell necklace, multiple scrunchies, a tube top, and shoes like crocs, vans, or Birkenstocks. Wild vsco girls will almost always be caught carrying a hydroflask. If you were to witness a vsco girl drop a hydroflask, you would notice the strange call of distress you would hear; and I oop-. If you hear this, beware, because this call almost always attracts more vsco girls. However, the most dangerous aspect of this odd species is their unique and headache-inducing mating call. If you are approached by a vsco girl who proceeds to vocalize this: sksksksksksksksksksksksksk
My best advice for you is to run.
I also do not recommend attempting to tame said vsco girl, as this will surely result in death or serious injury. Vsco girls are pack animals, so you will likely spot them in large groups. Be respectful of groups of vsco girls, and do not attempt to hunt them. Scientists predict that vsco girls will become an endangered species by June 2020.
Girl: yesterday Zoe dropped her hydro flask and said and I oop-
Girl 2- oh my gosh she's a vsco girl, be careful around her
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