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Diet Republican

Someone who is a self-proclaimed "Libertarian" but holds socially conservative views, especially one who is resistant to being labelled "Conservative" or "Republican"

Mark: Ned calls himself a libertarian but he's against gay marriage and legalizing weed.
James: Sounds like he's just a Diet Republican.

by Supercoolsome September 7, 2022

Narc Zuckerberg

Derogatory term for Facebook and other social media owned by Mark Zuckerberg under Meta for their disregard for privacy, particularly their willingness to turn over private information to law enforcement.

Person 1: “A woman was arrested for obtaining birth control.”
Person 2: “Ugh that sucks. How did she get caught?”
Person 1: “Facebook turned over private messages between her and her mother to the police.”
Person 2: “Fuck you Narc Zuckerberg!”

by Supercoolsome July 27, 2023

peepee treat

Rice Crispy treats that were urinated on.

A slang term referring to Kellogg's Rice Crispy Treats (and other Rice Crispy products). The name refers to a video posted in 2014 where an unidentified man urinates on the conveyor belt which the rice crispier were transported on. Kellogg Many of them have been recalled but there are still hundreds out there.

Guy 1: Hey Nick, I just gave Steve a peepee treat and he actually are it.

Guy 2: Serves him right for stealing your chips.

by Supercoolsome April 17, 2016

Pee Pee Treat

A slang term referring to Kellogg's Rice Crispy Treats (and other Rice Crispy products). The name refers to a video posted in 2014 where an unidentified man urinates on the conveyor belt which the rice crispier were transported on. Many of them have been recalled but there are still hundreds out there.

Person 1: Hey, I gave Beth a Pee Pee Treat and she actually ate it.

Person 2: She must not know what's in those things.

by Supercoolsome April 17, 2016