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by SuperiorSteve64 November 8, 2019

Seatbelt Steeple

When you get an erection in the car, and, the damn seatbelt is in the way...

Carlos: “Hey, where are we gonna park the car?”
Me: Ughh...Um..idk..I, I have another one of those GODDAMN SEATBELT STEEPLES!

by SuperiorSteve64 November 9, 2019


When cock-y asshole kids stare at themselves in the mirror, and let their dead brain cells control and hypnotize them like a fucking parasite and keep them from getting their eyes off the mirror.

When a person is Fag-miring at their own god damn self, seriously need to somehow manage to get some help and find a way to, idk, like, digest those dead brain cells, however that could happen.

by SuperiorSteve64 October 12, 2019

8👍 2👎

Comment Section

Something that needs to be added to Urban Dictionary, so people can laugh or critique words/phrases on the Urban Dictionary.
Like if you think so, dislike if you want your name to be illegally changed to Gibbsaly the Bump.

“Gib Gib don’t give Shit Shit” -Big Bomba replied in the comment section.

by SuperiorSteve64 June 12, 2020

37👍 13👎

pp nisnis



(Say this in among us chat)

“pp nisnis”


by SuperiorSteve64 November 20, 2020


While holding something with both your hands, you can use it to masturbate.. doesn't work too well, but still makes y....well whatever you get the point.. ..thats what she said..

Use your Elbow Dumbfuck.

by SuperiorSteve64 October 30, 2019

5👍 2👎


When you use the elbow.

Put the wenis-to-da-penis mothafuckah. Lmao..tf is wrong with me...

by SuperiorSteve64 November 12, 2019