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A stupid retard pleb who thinks he’s funny when he’s just another reddit normie rehashing shit. Fuck him lol.

Husband: with pleasure! That thing is fucking ugly, annoying, ans unfunny!

by Swatteamgonewrong666 November 10, 2019

17👍 35👎


A goblin-like lesbian female that acts masculine and is pro-feminism and pro-abortion and pagan and satanist. They’re also the worst type of women you’ll ever meet. They also hate men as a result of sociapathy from being ugly and not getting any boyfriends or in some sad cases abuse. They also contain hazardous material inside of them, such as aids or HIV. They are highly toxic creatures and should you go near one be armed and ready. Did I mention this is pretty much all “strong” lesbians by the way?

Dyke: oMg YoU sTuPiD hOmOpHoBe!!!!111 ItS oK To b Gey. u R aN iNcEl 4 bLaEming Us Powareful Womyn On uR InAbIlitY 2 Get LaId! ThAt’s JuSt Mean!
Guy: You stupid fucking dyke. You’re only a byproduct of this degrading society we live in that has torn away what it is to be a true women-one who takes care of herself, her children, and her dear husband-by labeling it as “cuckery” or “anti-feminism”. You, a dumb dyke, are a true cuck. You are a slave to (((them))) and should either cleanse yourself or continue down your path of ignorance and get yourself killed with meth.
Dyke: OmG iMmA PunCh U aNd U cAn’T hIt bAcK bEcu-
-dyke gets picked up by her neck and choked to death-

by Swatteamgonewrong666 November 24, 2019

8👍 17👎


Vitraxon is a legendary soldier who has fought many crusades against the worst degenerates of all-furries, tiktokers, and slavaboos. He is the most epicest man to ever walk the earth and has fought alongside other epic soldiers. He also cucked iceyskatey and stole all of his beautiful girlfriends with his charm and respect for women. He also fought in the furrywar and killed many furries with his bare hands. He is very strong, intelligent, and badass.

Vitraxon is the one true warrior to bring down the pathetic society we live in as a whole.

by Swatteamgonewrong666 November 10, 2019

28👍 8👎