A 2000s kid is anyone who spent more than 50% of their childhood (from age 5 to 12) in the 2000s
So 1992-2001 babies are the 2000s kids and here is why :
2000s kids:
1992 : 1997-2004 : 37,5%(1990s);62,5%(2000s)
1993 : 1998-2005 : 25%(1990s);75%(2000s)
1994 : 1999-2006 : 12,5%(1990s);87,5%(2000s)
1995 : 2000-2007 : 100%(2000s)
1996 : 2001-2008 : 100%(2000s)
1997 : 2002-2009 : 100%(2000s)
1998 : 2003-2010 : 87,5%(2000s);12,5%(2010s)
1999 : 2004-2011 : 75%(2000s);25%(2010s)
2000 : 2005-2012 : 62,5%(2000s);37,5%(2010s)
2001 : 2006-2013 : 50%(2000s);50%(2010s)
2000s kids are people who grew up in the 2000s (2000-2009)
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