When something is only wack because the effort behind what is being are done or said is frivolous.
You ainât the kind of man that has a habit of being unblocked. This letter you want me to copy and paste in My Dm with this woman is Trifling.
1) Is This Real?
2) this is a Problem
Etymology: Pennsylvanian Dutch
1) along the same page as devils and demons in Magic the gathering
2) a Devil like creature that was human but when they died they became a monster because they never knew what they looked like
3) when a person is angry for a dumb reason and does not know what they look like
I tried to explain to my mom that I donât try it to forget to do my chore countless times but she is still a tiefling 1 to 5 days a week.
1) Something Cool Past an a Certain Measure of Cool
2) Something that is Cool past a Threshold for what is Socially accepted as Cool
That was on Fleek.