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チン・チャン is one of the greatest gamers in history. Only very few can kill him without trying. For example, thelegend27. Forgotten legend but still has the skills to destroy チン・チョンwithout trying. If ching chong tried to defend himself, it would be the greatest battle in history of gaming.

チン・チョン: hello forgotten one
thelegend27: hello great one. This shall be the greatest battle in history

by Swordhero May 22, 2021

Honest Criminal

Someone who is pushed to do crime to preserve tbemsel or a community

Bonqueque and Bartholomew were childhood freinds. Although they were poor. They were fired from their job and now they are going to die from thirst or hunger. So they both agreed to steal stuff and stop as soon as they don't need to anymore. Bonqueque would steal food, clothes and other basic needs how ever Bartholomew would steal valuable things like chains, jewelry, etc. Bonqueque would go for the basic needs immediately however Bartholomew would go for the jewels to have reserve money in case there's no more basic needs. Both are honest criminals but one is scared while the other one is careful

by Swordhero March 23, 2023

Sexual Harassment

The true definition of sexual Harassment: when someone implies sexual activities whilst harassing you. EX: Texting you for needs and making fun of the person for not complying.
Realistic definition: when you are ugly and try to flirt, don't give a girl what she wants, or a boy uses his status to win in court because you "sexually harassed" them

True definition

Harasser: send nudes now b!tch or you are just like the others who are weak minded. Do you want to be famous or not?

Victim: ok fine I'll do it
(Don't do it guys)

Realistic definition of sexual Harassment:

Flirter: Hey Brenda want to go to prom?

Brenda: Ew no ugly

Then they go to court because the flirter supposedly "sexually harassed her"

by Swordhero November 21, 2022

7👍 5👎

Thieves' Cant

As per Wikipedia: Thieves' cant (also known as thieves' argot, rogues' cant, or peddler's French)1 is a cant, cryptolect, or argot which was formerly used by thieves, beggars, and hustlers of various kinds in Great Britain and to a lesser extent in other English-speaking countries. It is now mostly obsolete and used in literature and fantasy role-playing, although individual terms continue to be used in the criminal subcultures of Britain and the United States.

It was commonly believed that cant developed from Romany. Etymological research now suggests a substantial correlation between Romany words and cant, and equivalents, in many European languages. However, in England, Scotland, and Wales this does not apply. The Egyptians, as they were known, were a separate group from the standard vagabonds, and cant was fully developed within 50 years of their first arrival in England. Comparison of Romany words in the Winchester Confessions taken in 1616 with modern Welsh Romani show high commonality. This record also distinguished between Romany and Cant words and again the attributions of the words to the different categories is consistent with later records.

Me personally, i think it means YEE HAW PARTNER YEE HAVE YAWS YEE LAST YAAAAA!!!!

Criminal 1: “Ho sir, you’re clearly a f'reign'r. Wend readeth this cant so yond thee may knoweth how to maketh wage 'round h're”

Wandering Beggar: “what?”

That is the Thieves' Cant

by Swordhero August 16, 2024

25 Kill Streak

What most expect a tactical nuke, preferably a nuclear ICBM, they get scammed and are either given one of two things:
Partial-complete insanity.

Sergeant Rudolf Steiner, one of the squad leaders of the 0th Penal Battalion: “After I killed so many enemies, maybe even obtaining a 25 Kill Streak, I expected a tactical nuke, but only got PTSD.”

by Swordhero August 21, 2024


Drake's career

Donald trump: "drake pull over to McDonald's"

Drake: "anything for you Donni. But first you got to say please"

Donald trump: "oh nah. Obama why did you have to invite this clown"

Obama: "he makes me feel good about myself"

Drake: "I knew I did my little baba"

Joe Biden: "Obama switch seats with me before you get inopropiatly touched by Drake"

Drake: daddy Biden nooooo


by Swordhero March 8, 2023


Technically speaking, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is not a real word, but a fusion of multiple Latin terms. It is a synonym of silicosis. Silicosis is an interstitial lung disease caused by breathing in tiny bits of silica, a common mineral found in many types of rock and soil. Over time, exposure to silica particles causes permanent lung scarring, called pulmonary fibrosis… that’s got to hurt.

Person one: “Doctor, I have confirmed and I diagnose this patient with pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.”

Person two: “do you conquer Dr. Winsheston?”

Person 3: “Aye, I myself have seen the symptoms and MRIs. It’s definitely Silicosis, maybe even the variant: silicoproteinosis.”

by Swordhero August 21, 2024