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A vagina that is so loose it is simular to that of a elderly females, i.e a nan.

David: Dudde, how did it go last night with that bird?
Jay: Awful man she had a fucking nangina!
David: Fuckin' wizard's sleeves bruv.

by Synermatic November 24, 2012


The act of connecting the tip of ones penis to the nipple of another, simply for the sheer fun of it - often proceeded by screaming loudly 'NIPTIPPP!'

Jay: How did it go with that guy last night?
Ida: Well, pretty well until he niptip'd me.
Jay: No fucking way! He niptip'd you?!
Ida: Yep, simple whapped it out, hit my nip with the tip and screamed 'THISS ISSS NIPTIPPP!'

by Synermatic December 9, 2012

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